Dear Friend: This year The Sedona Conference International Programme on Cross-Border Data Transfers & Data Protection Laws will be held virtually on June 7, 8 and 9, 2021. While it will be too soon to gather in person, The Sedona Conference wants to continue to provide the thought leadership it is known for at a critical time for cross-border data transfers and data protection laws. As a valued supporter of The Sedona Conference, your continued commitment to our organization has been vital and is greatly appreciated. Please consider becoming one of the limited number of sponsors for our International Programme. Given that the International Programme will be held virtually this year, we have lowered the cost of sponsorship by one-half and increased the benefits of sponsorship at the same time. We have two levels of sponsorships available: - Gold Level (limited to two) - $10,000 USD; benefits include:
Listing on the Programme page of our website with a click-through to your website Listing in the Programme materials: the listing will display your logo followed by a ¼ to ½ page write-up (between 125 and 250 words) describing your firm or company and your particular services that you want to emphasize to conference attendees Listing in Sedona eblasts promoting the Programme Guaranteed Programme invitations for four participants of your choice, without needing to get approval from the planning committee that selects invitees for this invite-only Programme; the registration fee is complimentary for these four invitees (up to a $3,580 USD value) Guaranteed Programme invitations for four additional participants of your choice, without needing to get approval from the planning committee that selects invitees for this invite-only Programme; the registration fee is not complimentary for these invitees Our sincere thank-you and recognition by the host during the Programme During breaks in the Programme, we will display a graphic page with your logo and a link to your webpage
- Silver Level - $5,000 USD; same benefits as the Gold Level, except:
- Only two guaranteed Programme invitations with complimentary registration instead of four
- Only two additional guaranteed Programme invitations without complimentary registration instead of four
Please let me know at your earliest convenience if you are interested in being a sponsor of our 2021 International Programme and if so, at which level. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your continued interest in and support of The Sedona Conference. With my best regards, Craig Weinlein Executive Director |