The cost of sponsorship is $5,000 and includes the following benefits: - One complimentary registration to the conference (up to a $1,395 value);
- Sponsorship listing on:
- the program page of the Sedona website with a click-thru to your website;
- Sedona eblasts promoting the conference; and
- the conference materials; the listing will display your logo followed by a ¼ to ½ page write-up (between 125 and 250 words) describing your firm or company and your particular services that you want to emphasize to conference attendees; and
- our sincere thank you and recognition from the host at the conference
***** Most importantly, your organization will be associated with this non-partisan, consensus effort to move the trade secret law forward in a reasoned and just way. This Conference will present for public dialogue the first set of consensus, non-partisan publications from our Sedona Working Group 12 on Trade Secrets, most of which are to published in final/post-public comment form in the weeks and months leading up to the Conference, consisting of: - WG12 Commentary on the Proper Identification of Asserted Trade Secrets in Misappropriation Lawsuits
- WG12 Commentary on The Employee Life Cycle Relating to Trade Secrets
- WG12 Commentary on Equitable Remedies in Trade Secret Litigation
- WG12 Commentary on Protecting Trade Secrets in Litigation About
- WG12 Commentary on Governance and Management of Trade Secrets
- WG12 Commentary on Trade Secret Issues Across International Borders: Extraterritorial Reach
- WG12 Commentary on Monetary Remedies in Trade Secret Litigation
- WG10/12 Joint Commentary on Cross-Border Discovery in Patent Litigation and Trade Secret Litigation
We will close the Conference with a Judicial Roundtable, comprising some of our Judicial Advisors who have graciously and generously participated in our WG12 efforts to date. We will also be awarding The Sedona Conference Lifetime Achievement Award for Contributions to Intellectual Property Law to Jim Pooley, our Chair of WG12 at its inception and now Chair Emeritus. Please join us to celebrate his terrific accomplishments and contributions to our Sedona efforts together in Denver! |