Briordy T Meyers
Briordy has worked for over 20 years providing strategic discovery and data protection advice for his clients, both as in-house counsel for Google and Boehringer Ingelheim, and as discovery counsel at law firms McDermott Will & Emery, Sidley Austin LLP and Troutman Sanders eMerge. He began his career representing abused and neglected children as an Assistant Public Guardian with the Cook County Public Guardian's Office in Chicago. Protecting the personal information of his clients was a central focus of his practice and the overall mission of the Public Guardian. Briordy then concentrated his private and in-house practice on cross-border legal data issues, helping clients navigate the competing challenges of U.S. discovery obligations, global data protection, and AI regulatory compliance. He currently works as a Compliance Privacy Director with Capital One, where he works with a team focused on compliance with federal and state privacy laws and regulations impacting banks and financial institutions. Briordy is a licensed CIPP/E privacy professional with the IAPP and member of: The Sedona Conference’s Working Group 6 on International Electronic Information Management (Steering Committee Member); EDRM Global Advisory Council; EDRM GDPR Working Group; Legal Data Intelligence (Founding Member; Lead Architect for Data Protection Compliance); and RAILS Working Group 4 (WG4) – AI Policy Guidelines and Best Practices for In-House Law Departments (Founding Member). Briordy received his B.A. in History from the University of Virginia in 1999 and his J.D. from the College of William and Mary School of Law in 2003. |