Hon. Florence Butin

Court of First Instance

Florence Butin graduated in civil law and has been serving in the French judiciary system for 25 years successively as a civil judge, public prosecutor and in the French ministry of justice where she was in charge of ethical questions, disciplinary proceedings and human resources. She joined the Paris court of first instance in 2012, and from this time onwards her functions were mainly oriented towards economic litigation, first at the social chamber in charge of collective labor disputes and consumer law, and later at the intellectual property chamber where she chaired one of the 3 panels until September 2021 before being appointed at the Economic department of the Paris Court of appeal. Florence represented France at symposiums dedicated to intellectual property law and participated in the Exchange Program of the European Judicial Training Network (EJTN) in Germany. She took
office as President of the Court of First Instance of the Unified Patent Court in November 2022.