Harry Strange

Withers & Rogers, LLP

Harry is a Senior Associate in Withers & Rogers’ Electronics, Computing & Physics group. His  practice is focused on helping clients obtain patent protection for technologies that sit on the edge of patentability. He regularly advises clients on IP considerations surrounding software and business methods as well as technologies such as deep learning, blockchain, and machine vision. He has experience drafting patent applications directed to machine learning, artificial intelligence, industrial control, and complex software systems. He also has experience representing clients before the UK Intellectual Property Office and the European Patent Office, including first instance and technical board of appeal hearings. Prior to joining Withers & Rogers, Harry worked at University College London (UCL) where he was module coordinator for courses on machine learning and software engineering. Whilst at UCL, Harry was also a visiting researcher at Birmingham Children’s Hospital where he helped to develop novel protocols for predicting the outcomes of cleft lip surgeries. Harry holds a BEng in software engineering and a PhD in machine learning, both from the University of Wales. After obtaining his PhD, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher and held a National Institute of Social Care and Health Research (NISCHR) research fellowship in biomedical image analysis. Harry has authored numerous journal articles and conference publications and has presented his work at both national and international conferences. He is also author of the book, “Open Problems in Spectral Dimensionality Reduction” published by Springer. Outside of work, Harry loves spending time with his wife and three children. He is also on a long running quest to find the perfect flat white, with Broadway Deli currently holding the lead position. Harry is a passionate fan of the NFL; regrettably, he supports the Detroit Lions.