Hon. Herbert B. Dixon Jr. (ret.)
Judge Herbert B. Dixon, Jr. is a senior judge with the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. He retired in 2015 after serving successive 15-year terms on the court, first being appointed by President Ronald Reagan and subsequently by President William Clinton. Upon the announcement of Judge Dixon’s retirement, the Legal Times/National Law Journal referred to him as the “Technology Judge.” Judge Dixon is the technology columnist for The Judges’ Journal magazine and senior judicial adviser to the Center for Legal and Court Technology (formerly the Courtroom 21 Project), an initiative of the Marshall-Wythe Law School at the College of William & Mary and the National Center for State Courts. He served as a member of The Sedona Conference Working Group on Best Practices for Electronic Document Retention and Production (WG1). Judge Dixon serves on the ABA Journal Board of Editors and The Judges’ Journal Editorial Board and is chair of the Judicial Division’s Book Editorial Board. He is a former member of the ABA Techshow Planning Board, former chair of the ABA Standing Committee on the American Judicial System, and former chair of the National Conference of State Trial Judges. Judge Dixon served as presiding judge of both the Civil Division and the Multi-Door Dispute Resolution Division, co-chair of the Strategic Planning Leadership Council for the D.C. Courts, and chair of Superior Court’s Electronic Filing Pilot Project. He later oversaw the implementation of Superior Court’s technology-enhanced courtroom project. Judge Dixon served on the Board of Directors of the Bar Association of the District of Columbia and was its 2019 Judicial Honoree of the Year, a member of the Washington Bar Association Hall of Fame, and a Fellow in the College of Law Practice Management. Judge Dixon earned his undergraduate degree in electrical engineering from Howard University and his Juris Doctor from Georgetown University Law Center. |