Bruce Hedin

Hedin B Consulting

Bruce is a leading expert in the assessment of the effectiveness of advanced search and analytics technologies at performing legal tasks. As a consultant, he supports clients in the design and oversight of sampling and measurement protocols to validate the results of AI-enabled review technologies. He also provides guidance to counsel engaged in meet-and-confer discussions regarding the use of AI-enabled review and retrieval processes. Bruce’s work is animated by the view that the adoption of AI in the service of the law must be grounded in a trust that comes from sound evidence of the effectiveness of the technology, the competence of its operators, the accountability of those responsible for its adoption and oversight, and the transparency of the process in which the technology is incorporated. He has contributed to several initiatives that are in keeping with this vision; examples include a model ESI protocol (accompanied by implementation guidelines), manifestos on the rule of law in the age of artificial intelligence (published by the Transatlantic Reflection Group), the Law Chapter of Ethically Aligned Design (the flagship publication of IEEE’s Global Initiative), and US NIST’s Text Retrieval Conference Legal Track. Bruce earned his Ph.D. from Stanford University and his B.A. from Cornell University.