Getting Ahead of the eDiscovery Curve: Strategies for Companies and Their Counsel to Reduce Costs and Meet Judicial Expectations

Thursday, March 29, 2007 - 7:30am to Friday, March 30, 2007 - 2:30pm
Memphis, TN
United States

A new annual program presented by The Sedona Conference Institute in association with ARMA International.

The newly amended Federal Rules of Civil Procedure incorporate "electronically stored information" (ESI) into the scope of discovery. The Rules anticipate all litigants will be able to identify, preserve, review, and disclose relevant ESI quickly and at a cost proportionate to the needs of the case. To effectively accomplish the task, organizations will need to assemble new teams and processes which leverage diverse players and skill-sets (Legal, IT, Records Management) while understanding this diverse cast may bring their own challenges with respect to communication and cooperation, such as translating between tech-speak and legal-ese, or allocating tight resources between different departments.

This two-day Institute will help business organizations meet the expectations of federal courts and reduce litigation costs by helping facilitate communication within the organization, assemble interdisciplinary teams, and implement a winning litigation response strategy.

From the Keynote address by the Hon. Shira Scheindlin, (author of the Zubalake decisions), through the panels of industry thought leaders from the worlds of law, records management, and information technology, to the interactive demonstrations of team-building and court-mandated discovery conferences with opposing parties, you'll take away practical ideas to satisfy your obligations, reduce your costs, and stay ahead of the curve!

The Institute is of particular interest to in-house counsel, records management, and IT professionals handling electronic discovery, as well as outside counsel representing either requesting or producing parties.