The Sedona Conference Journal Volume 5
Case Management Issues in Patent Litigation
Williamson Oil v. Philip Morris: Whatever Happened to Jury Trials?
Willfulness/Opinion of Counsel Questionnaire Survey Results
Examining Reexamination: Not Yet an Antidote to Litigation
Safe Harbors & Preservations: A Response
The Consumer Harm Inquiry in Recent Cases: A Required Element of Proof or an Afterthought?
Proof of Conspiracy in Vertical & Horizontal Price-Fixing Cases: The Intersection of Law, Economics & Policy
Exemption to Patent Infringement Under 35 U.S.C. Section 271 (e) (1): Safe Harbor or Storm A-Brewing?
Consumer Harm After Dentsply: Not a Toothless Tiger
Cost Shifting in Electronic Discovery
Grunts, Winks & Nods: What Meets the Agreement Element of a Section 1 Claim?
The "Complexities" of Electronic Discovery
Expert Witnesses & Daubert Motions
U.S. Discovery of Electronic Documents in Europe
The 2004 Sedona Principles: Best Practices, Recommendations & Principles for Addressing Electronic Document Production
Overview of Changes to The Sedona Principles in 2004