Date: April 16, 2025
Time and Time Zone: 10-11 AM (Mountain Daylight Savings Time)
Duration: One Hour
Clean rooms arise in many contexts that implicate trade secrets, from designing a product using a process that avoids using another’s trade secrets to complying with a court order. Given these and other different contexts, designing and implementing a clean room presents unique challenges and considerations, and there is no one-size fits all approach. The Sedona Working Group 12 sought to address these issues by convening a drafting team to create a consensus, actionable commentary on clean rooms, including a draft clean room protocol. Among other things, this draft commentary (1) identifies and describes the features that may be used in a clean room process, including identifying key players that may be involved in designing and implementing a clean room and key provisions that may be included in a clean room protocol; and (2) identifies key issues practitioners should be aware of when considering whether, when, and how to design and implement a clean room process. This webinar will address these and other issues in the commentary and solicit feedback.