Data Security and Privacy Liability - Working Group 11

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Upcoming Meetings

Tuesday, October 29, 2024 - 8:45am to Wednesday, October 30, 2024 - 1:00pm

Past Meetings

Thursday, May 2, 2024 - 8:45am to Friday, May 3, 2024 - 1:00pm
Thursday, November 2, 2023 - 8:45am to Friday, November 3, 2023 - 1:00pm
Thursday, May 4, 2023 - 8:45am to Friday, May 5, 2023 - 1:00pm
Wednesday, November 2, 2022 - 8:45am to Thursday, November 3, 2022 - 1:00pm
Tuesday, April 26, 2022 - 8:45am to Wednesday, April 27, 2022 - 1:00pm

Publication Open for Public Comment

Please send your comments to [email protected]

Publication Title Public Comment Due Date
Commentary on U.S. Sanctions-Related Risks for Ransomware Payments, Public Comment Version September 23, 2024

Working Group 11 Steering Committee

Working Group Series Members-Only Section

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Working Group Updates and Announcements

New WG11 Brainstorming Group - Individual liability for data security failures

Brainstorming Group - Overview


A variety of laws directly or indirectly create obligations for organizational data security practices. In the U.S., these include GLBA, the FTC Act, new U.S. Securities Act cybersecurity disclosure requirements, HIPAA HiTech and even U.S. state laws such as NY DFS 500. In the EU, these include GDPR, the Network and Information Security Directive 2 and DORA, among many others.

Recent activities have shown potential for some data security failures to create individual liability for senior officials: e.g., the prosecution of Uber CISO Joseph Sullivan, the SEC charge against Solar Winds CISO Tim Brown, and U.S. Senator Ron Wyden’s letter requesting the SEC and FTC to investigate and hold senior United Health Group officials accountable for a recent breach.

The brainstorming group will explore: whether it is useful to develop a paper identifying the legal basis for data security failures that could lead to individual liability (whether civil or criminal); whether the liability is unique to data security obligations or derived from general management or fiduciary responsibilities; differences in the application of the requirements (i.e., is accountability based upon specific knowledge, intent or negligence); and whether there should be guidelines to help individuals protect against such liability.


Brainstorming Group - Member Expectations


Brainstorming group members will be expected to actively participate in regularly scheduled phone conferences to brainstorm on work product ideas. Members will also be expected to participate in the drafting of a detailed outline that allows a subsequent drafting team to prepare work product consistent with standards of The Sedona Conference.


Brainstorming Group - Selection


In order to apply for the brainstorming group, you must be a member of WG11. If you are interested in applying for the brainstorming group, but are not yet a member of WG11, please become a member by signing up for a Working Group Series (WGS) membership. Once a WGS member, one is eligible to take part in the activities of all Working Groups, including WG6. If you have any questions about how to sign up for a membership or encounter any difficulties while doing so, please contact our office at [email protected] or +1(602) 258-4910.

In order to be considered for the brainstorming group, please complete the questionnaire found here and submit no later than 9:00 am EDT on Tuesday, August 6, 2024.

Announcement Date: 
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

New WG11 Brainstorming Group - Second Edition of Commentary on Law Firm Data Security

Brainstorming Group - Overview


WG11 is forming a new brainstorming group that will consider whether a second edition of the Commentary on Law Firm Data Security ("Commentary") is warranted because of changes in law and technology, omissions in the original product, or newly developed needs for guidance. The original Commentary, published in 2020, includes a discussion of criteria and protocols for assessing data security at law firms and a companion discussion of how organizations should communicate with outside counsel about their data security practices. The Commentary also includes model clauses for engagement letters as well as a sample questionnaire corporate clients could provide to their law firms to assess data security readiness.


Brainstorming Group - Member Expectations


Brainstorming group members will be expected to actively participate in regularly scheduled phone conferences to brainstorm on work product ideas. Members will also be expected to participate in the drafting of a detailed outline that allows a subsequent drafting team to prepare work product consistent with standards of The Sedona Conference.


Brainstorming Group - Selection


In order to apply for the brainstorming group, you must be a member of WG11. If you are interested in applying for the brainstorming group, but are not yet a member of WG11, please become a member by signing up for a Working Group Series (WGS) membership. One a WGS member, one is eligible to take part in the activities of all Working Groups, including WG11. If you have any questions about how to sign up for a membership or encounter any difficulties while doing so, please contact our office at [email protected] or +1(602) 258-4910.

In order to be considered for the brainstorming group, please complete the questionnaire found here and submit no later than COB EDT on Wednesday, May 29, 2024.

Announcement Date: 
Tuesday, April 9, 2024

WG11 welcomes three new members to the Steering Committee

The WG11 Steering Committee terms of Amy Keller and Jonathan Wilan expire at the end of today's Steering Committee meeting. Amy and Jonathan have been outstanding Steering Committee members and have helped guide WG11 through some significant successes during their tenure. I thank them sincerely for their service and their dedication to WG11 and The Sedona Conference. Amy and Jonathan have agreed to join The Sedona Conference Working Group Series Leadership Council, where they will be available to lend their expertise and experience to assist the WG11 Steering Committee in the future with special projects as requested on an ad hoc basis.

I am pleased to also announce that Arianna Evers, Jerami Kemnitz, and Jim Shook have agreed to join the WG11 Steering Committee for three-year terms effective at today’s Steering Committee meeting. Arianna, Jerami, and Jim were selected because of their capacity for dialogue and working to achieve consensus, subject matter expertise, their records of significant contributions to WG11 meetings and drafting team efforts, and demonstrated commitment to the mission of The Sedona Conference.

We appreciate the continued dedication and support of the WG11 members who comprise the Steering Committee. They are: Starr Drum (Chair), Kate Baxter-Kauf, Arianna Evers, Jerami Kemnitz, Colman McCarthy, Tim Murphy, Dalia Ritvo, Jim Shook, Alex White, and Chair Emeriti Al Saikali, David Moncure, and Doug Meal.

With my best regards,

Craig Weinlein
Executive Director

Announcement Date: 
Thursday, February 8, 2024


Copyright Notice Materials for Educational Purposes Only Not to be Republished or Copied

These materials are for the use of Working Group Members only in connection with their research and education efforts. They are not to be copied or republished in any way. Some of the materials are subject to copyright license agreements and other arrangements that prohibit any such republishing.

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