Location: Online (Zoom)
The 2021 Sedona Conference on Remote Case Management of IP Proceedings will be held online on Thursday, June 10, and Friday, June 11.
Please join us virtually from 12:00 PM – 4:30 PM ET each day. This Conference will present the following panels:
- [Panel 1] Remote Conferences, Motions, Ex Parte Applications
- [Panel 2] Remote Depositions
- [Panel 3] Handling Evidence Remotely: Maintaining Protection of Confidential/Trade Secret Information and Building the Record for Trial and Appeal
- [Panel 4] Remote Trial and ADR
- [Panel 5] The Future of IP Proceedings: How Should Remote Case Management by Incorporated Going Forward?
- [Panel 6] Judicial Roundtable
We will maintain our dialogue-based format in moving this Conference online and carefully design our program to maximize the level of participation for each of our Conference participants.
At the conclusion of the substantive program on Day 1, we will hold an online social hour.
Please join our distinguished faculty of federal judges and leading patent, trademark, and copyright litigators in dialogue on effective remote case management of IP proceedings.
The Sedona Conference will seek CLE accreditation in accordance with rules and regulations set forth by individual jurisdictions for virtual meetings. Various state MCLE authorities require that we verify your live, active participation throughout the program.
The beautiful impressionistic watercolor of the Sedona red rocks displayed above was painted by Judge Faith Hochberg (ret.) for The Sedona Conference and is reproduced with her permission.